How much does GreenPower cost?
GreenPower is an investment in the Australian renewable energy industry. It costs a little bit more so that your footprint is a lot less.
When you sign up to GreenPower, your GreenPower Provider (retailer) buys accredited renewable energy on your behalf. To make sure there’s no double counting of that renewable energy, your Provider must surrender the rights to the renewable energy to the Clean Energy Regulator.
Buying GreenPower Accredited renewable energy means that it will cost a little more than standard grid electricity, or even carbon offsets. This is because your purchase supports the building of new renewable energy infrastructure for the grid.

Costs of GreenPower
To find out how much GreenPower will cost you, check our list of GreenPower Providers and contact them for their best offer.
An estimate of the cost of GreenPower is around 4 to 8 cents per kWh on top of your current electricity rate.
To work out what this will cost you, take your daily, average electricity usage (explained in How do I calculate my electricity usage?) and multiply it by 5 cents.
An average household might find this is about 1 dollar a day.
Investing in the future
If you’re keen to do your bit for the environment, you may decide a smaller contribution of 10 to 25 per cent GreenPower suits your budget better. Every little bit counts towards an investment for future generations.
The money that goes to the electricity generators and providers of GreenPower feeds back into the renewable energy sector, helping to build and improve the technology. So like any new technology, the costs might be a little more now, but building a future grid that is supplied by renewable energy will generate savings down the track – both financial and environmental.
For households and small businesses looking to shop around to find the most suitable GreenPower option, the Australian Energy Regulator has created an energy price comparison website to assist in comparing electricity offers (including the GreenPower component) between different retailers. The price comparison feature of the Energy Made Easy website is only available in states and territories where the National Energy Retail Law has commenced (ACT, NSW, QLD, SA and TAS). Customers who live in other states or territories not covered in the Energy Made Easy website may be able to access other energy price comparison websites in their respective jurisdiction.